Not to go all Keanu on you guys, but...
I don't log in to Blogger for a few days (I last logged in on the 8th), I come back, and everything looks completely different. I'm not sure I like the new setup yet, but hey, I guess I'll get used to it. Eventually. Not right now, though. Right now, it kinda sucks.
Okay, so anyway, before I came on and was surprised at the aesthetic changes at Blogger, my purpose was just to post and say sorry for not posting. Been busy with work and/or too tired to feel like turning on my blasted computer and/or busy with family (my cousin's birthday was on Friday, her family's in town this week, and it was Mother's Day on Sunday).
Bah. So anyway, question -- which of these two courses sounds like it'd be more interesting/fun/whatever? "Mathematics of Investment and Credit" (which is an Actuarial Science course) or "The Sun and Its Neighbours" (which is an Astronomy course)? Keep in mind that this is just for my Science requirement, so I'd rather it not be extremely hard (esp. in terms of the workload...but I guess that can't necessarily be avoided).
Anyway (good grief, I really use that word too much when I write, don't I?), writing this in a jiffy 'cause I am tireder than usual (in my universe, 'tireder'
is a word, okay?) today. I reckon it's because of it being Monday and all. As someone in a song once said, "I don't like Mondays". Not the most profound quote in the world, perhaps, but it's late (well, not on my normal internal clock, but that's what work does to a person, I suppose). That said, good morning / afternoon / evening / night to you all, wherever and whenever you may be. :)